Welcome to Mother of Sorrows School!
It is with an abundance of joy that I welcome you to our Catholic school community and invite you to witness all the wonderful things happening here.
Mother of Sorrows School is more than a school; it is a safe-haven for so many of our students and families. We have been serving the community of South Los Angeles for the past 66 years. It is here where our children and their families are surrounded by people who give witness to Gospel values and who share their faith.
As a school sponsored by the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, we are guided through the Vincentian charism of service to honor Christ by serving others, and to live out the legacy of our founders. We do this by carrying out our mission as we partner with the community to provide a transformative education of the mind, body, and spirit.
What a blessing it is to be a part of the Mother of Sorrows family! God is working here through the goodness of so many people who support our school by offering prayers, resources, and service. It is because of these people that we are able to serve our inner-city community.
I invite you to visit us and to see for yourself all the great things our children and teachers are doing.
In the spirit of our Vincentian founders,
Ms. Griselda Villarreal