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Filled with the Holy Spirit

May 17, 2013 by DMD

On May 17th, the school community gathered to celebrate the end of the Easter season with the Pentecost Picnic. 

Before lunch, buddy classes gathered for prayer and a buddy activity. Each student created a crown of flames to wear the rest of the day. All members of the Mother of Sorrows school community were also invited to wear red that day since the color represents the love and fire of the Holy Spirit.

For lunch, students from kindergarten through eighth grade gathered on the school yard to enjoy lunch together. They were invited to bring lunches from home of their favorite foods to enjoy. Students in preschool also had a special picnic in their playground. A special birthday cake was served to celebrate the birth of the Church.

We look forward to celebrating other events throughout our liturgical year!

Holy Spirit, send us forth to make disciples of all nations.



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